
Refugee Friendship
The Christian & Missionary Alliance is passionate about building relationships with the refugee community in Pittsburgh in partnership with RAIN.
Contact Mara if you would like information on connecting with RAIN.

English as a 2nd Language
Weekly classes are now being offered for those who would like to learn and practice the English Language in Cheswick and Dorseyville.
If you would like to join our teaching team, contact Mara.

Lap Robe Ministry
In the past 6 years, over 500 unique lap robes have been made and distributed to local nursing homes and hospice care organizations through the Lap Robe Ministry.
For more information on how you can be involved, contact the church office at 412-767-4600.

Soup’s On
Not feeling well or have a friend or neighbor who is not feeling well? Our freezer in the cafe refrigerator has varying sizes of frozen soup ready for you to use or to take as a blessing to those needing care and encouragement.
Made some soup and have some extra? Pack anywhere from 1-4 servings in a labeled, disposable container and place it in the freezer.

Food Bank Collections
Our church supports 2 food banks, one in Indiana Township and one in West Deer Township. We hold food drives twice a year, spring and fall.

Stamp Ministry
DAC collects stamps to send to the Alliance Stamp Ministry in Florida. The ministry then sells the stamps to raise money for the creation and distribution of Spanish Sunday School curriculum around the world. [Over a million dollars has been raised since the start of this national ministry!] Simply trim a 1/4 – 1/3 inch border around the cancelled stamps. A collection basket is in the entryway.